08 janvier 2015

They shoot Writers, don't they ?

"They shoot Writers, don't they ?"

edited by George Theiner

Faber & Faber
London, UK, 
200 pages, 1985
ISBN : 0-571-13260-X


Introduction.  George Theiner
Note.  Stephen Spender

How Index on Censorship started.  Michael Scammel
God keep me from going mad.  Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Letter to Europeans.  George Mangakis
All you need is a typewriter.  Jan Vladislav
Variation on a theme.  Ivan Klíma
Open letter to President Husák.  Tom Stoppard
Free thoughts on toilet paper.  Ngũgĩ Wa Thiong'o
Camara Laye - Involuntary exile.  Denis Herbstein
Searching for the truth.  Wei Jingsheng
Casualties of censorship.  Salman Rushdie
Manuscripts banned and destroyed.  Pramoedya Ananta Toer
From the darkness.  Kim Chi-Ha
My ten uncensorable years, or how liver-sausage lost its political implications.
          Stanislaw Barańczak
19-500 Goldap.  Anka Kowalska
The last time I went to press.  Victor Nekrasov
The censor.  Ivan Kraus
A cup of coffee with my interrogator.  Ludvík Vaculík
Slit lips.  Samih Al-Qasim
Dr Azudi, the professional.  Reza Baraheni
Eyewitness to death.  Muzaffer Erdost
Stop the lie.  Sipho Sepamla
A writer's freedom.  Nadine Gordimer
For a cent.  Don Mattera
The failure of censorship.  André Brink
Comedy is everywhere.  Milan Kundera
You have insulted me : a letter.  Kurt Vonnegut
The writer in latin America.  Mario Vargas Llosa
Something more than words.  Julio Cortázar
Witness in difficult times.  Rodolfo Walsh
Last will and testament.  Ariel Dorfman
In defence of the Word.  Eduardo Galeano

Index on Censorship.

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