07 juin 2016

The Futurians

Damon Knight

The Futurians

The story of the great Science Fiction
"Family" of the 30's that produced
today's top SF writers and editors

John Day
New York, U.S.A.
276 pages, 1977
ISBN : 0-831-98288-2


1. "Save Humanity with science and sanity"
2. "...it was so heavy he had to spend four cents in mailing it"
3. "If he wants to kill himself..."
4. "Piggish indifference and ingratitude..."
5. "...ears that had long since shrivelled into uselessness"
6. "A country yokel, just what we expected"
7. "That's five cents, Isaac"
8. "My God, ears !"
9. Like the remnants of an exploded planetoid
10. "There she is, the little mother of science fiction"
11. "Let D. and E. be fricasseed and fried !"
12. "...and then, in 1941, I would have been killed in the war"
13. In some underground way I think he did know - had always known

Appendix : Four Futurian songs

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