21 janvier 2017

The author's & writer's Who's Who (1948-49 edition)

L.G. Pine

The author's & writer's Who's Who
& reference guide

Shaw Publishing
London, U.K.
XXXII + 800 pages, 1948-49

     Foreword by the editor
     Review of publishing since 1939
          by Edmond Seagrave
     Official War Books
General aricles
     The institute of journalists
          by Stewart Nicholson
     The international organisation of journalists
     The national union of journalists
          by C.J. Bundock
     The incorporated society of authors, playwrights and composers
     Books in braille for the blind
          by J. De La Mare Rowley
     The newspaper press fund
     The central office of information
     The arts council of Grat Britain
          by E.W. White
     The British Council
     The department of scientific and industrial research
     H.M. stationery office
     The P.E.N.
          by Hermon Ould
     The Royal Society of London
     The British Academy
     The science museum and science museum library
Section One
     Author's and writer's Who's Who 
     (605 pages of biographies)
Section Two : Legal information
          by F.H. Cowper, Barrister at Law
     Agreements between author and publisher
     International copyright
     Libel and the writer
     Obscene libel
     The writer and income tax
     Recent legal decisions
Section Three : Reference and authorities
     The House of Lords library
          by Charles Clay, C.B.
     Libraries and library services
     Literary associations, clubs, societies and institutions
     Sources of information
     P.R.O. register
     Literary awards
     Glossary of journalistic terms
     Proof reader's marks
Section Four : Literary markets and requirements
     The british press in wartime
          by A.J. Cummings
     British newspapers and periodicals
     Periodicals classified by subject
     Overseas newspapers
     The short story
          by L.A.G. Strong
     British book publishers
     The book trade since 1939
          by Christina Foyle
     Overseas book publishers
     The public, science and the press
          by Ritchie Calder
     Film producing companies
     Markets for plays
     Song publishers
     B.B.C. Children's Hour
          by Derek McCulloch, O.B.E.
     B.B.C. requirements
     Film script and scenario writers
Section Five : Authors' and artists' agents
     Maxims for would-be authors
          by John Lehmann
     Literary, dramatic, film and lecture agents
     News agencies
     Art agents and their artists
     Press agents
     American feature syndicates
Section Six : Services for the author
     Trends in modern design
     Typist and typewriting agencies
     Translators' register
     Press and commercial photographers
     Press cutting agents
     Process engravers
     Literary courses and services
     Art schools' directory
Section Seven : Conclusion
     Writers' specialities
     Pen names
     List of abbreviations
     General index
     Index to advertisers

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