19 janvier 2017

The trials of Hank Janson (2004 edition)

Steve Holland

The trials of Hank Janson

The true story behind the censorship
and banning of Hank Janson's books in the U.K.

Telos publishing
Tolworth, Surrey, U.K.
344 pages, 2004
ISBN : 1-903889-84-7


Part 1 : Prelude

1. Learning life's lessons
2. Looking for Miller's farm
3. A glimpse of blue sky
4. A holiday in Spain
5. The Hank Janson treadmill
6. Success story

Part 2 : The trials of Hank Janson

7. Falling into temptation
8. "Like life, maybe with a little extra flavouring"
9. The Hank Janson blues
10. Prosecution
11. Accused
12. The verdict
13. The law stands fast
14. The tide turns

Part 3 : Whatever happened to Hank Janson ?

15. Situation - Grave !
16. A risky business
17. "It takes time to build a Millennium"
18. Ghosts
19. Close to the breadline
20. "Ask all the questions you like"

Appendix 1 : The Hank Janson novels
Appendix 2 : Novels by Stephen Frances
Appendix 3 : Destruction orders issued against Hank Janson titles 1950-1953
Appendix 4 : Schedule of successful prosecutions 1935-1956

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