21 mai 2019

Bereden scherpschutters and rifle rangers : Cultural translations of Buffalo Bill in Europe

Charlotte Van Ham & Leonie Ida Timmermans

Bereden scherpschutters and rifle rangers : Cultural translations of Buffalo Bill in Europe

The reception, dissemination and cultural translation
of Buffalo Bill (dime novels) in Europe
(Germany & the Netherlands) in the early 20th Century

MA Thesis, American Studies Program
Utrecht University
Utrecht, Netherlands
176 pages, 2015

Table of content
List of figures

1. The Netherlands and its reference cultures
     by Leonie Ida Timmermans
     The Netherlands and reference cultures
     French cultural influence
     Buffalo Bill's first European visit : England as a reference culture
     Germany's literary infatuation with the American Indian : Germany as a reference culture
     American cultural influence
2. Buffalo Bill in Europe
     by Charlotte Van Ham
     The Myth of the Frontier
     Buffalo Bill
     Buffalo Bill's Wild West
     Buffalo Bill in Europe
3. Dime Novels : American stories in Europe
     by Leonie Ida Timmermans
     Historical context : from Popular Culture to Mass Culture
     The development of the dime novel
     The dime novel hero
     Buffalo Bill's representation, romanticized ?
     Buffalo Bill, popular literature
4. Technical analysis and translation of American and European Buffalo Bill dime novels
     by Charlotte Van Ham
     Cover comparison Buffalo Bill dime novels
     Text comparison Dutch and American Buffalo Bill dime novels
5. Reception of Buffalo Bill in Dutch media
     by Charlotte Van Ham
     "Culturomics" and Buffalo Bill
     Reception William F. Cody
     Reception Buffalo Bill shows
     Reception Buffalo Bill advertisements
     Buffalo Bill and "prikkellectuur"
6. The publisher(s) : striving for original works
     by Leonie Ida Timmermans
     The dime novel publisher
     A. Eichler publishing house
     Popularizing Buffalo Bill in Europe
     Collecting series

Appendix 1 : List of Dutch dime novels available at Buffalo Bill Center of the West, with notes
Appendix 2 : Description of an American tavern in Dutch dime novel
Appendix 3 : Description of an American army in Dutch dime novel
Appendix 4 : Addresses on back covers

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