02 mai 2023

The Flash Press : Sporting male weeklies in 1840s New York


Patricia Cline Cohen
Timothy J. Gilfoyle &
Helen Lefkowitz
in association with the
American Antiquarian Society

The Flash Press
Sporting male weeklies in 1840s New York

University of Chicago Press
Chicago, U.S.A.
280 pages, 2008
ISBN : 978-0-226-11234-3

Part I. The Flash Press
     1. Beginnings : Rivalry and satire
     2. Sexual politics
     3. Trials and tribulations
     4. Legacies

Part II. Flash Press excerpts
     1. Purposes
     2. Libertinism
     3. Brothel life
     4. Heterosexuality
     5. Gossip, vituperation, and blackmail
     6. Racism, anti-amalgamation
     7. Homosexuality
     8. Indictments
     9. Sports and Theater in the Flash world
     10. The illustrations of John H. Manning


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