16 octobre 2023

The trials of Hank Janson (2023 edition)

Steve Holland

The trials of Hank Janson

Bear Alley Books
Wivenhoe, Essex, U.K.
320 pages, 2023
ISBN : 9798858392590


Part 1 : Prelude

     1. Learning life's lessons
     2. Looking for Miller's farm
     3. A glimpse of blue sky
     4. A holiday in Spain
     5. The Hank Janson treadmill
     6. Success story

Part 2 : The trials of Hank Janson

     7. Falling into temptation
     8. "Like life; maybe with a little extra flavouring"
     9. The Hank Janson blues
     10. Prosecution
     11. Accused
     12. The verdict
     13. The law stands fast
     14. The tide turns

Part 3 : Whatever happened to Hank Janson ?

     15. Situation  - Grave !
     16. A risky business
     17. "It takes time to build a millennium"
     18. Ghosts
     19. Close to the breadline
     20. The changing face
     21. "Ask all the questions you want"

Appendix 1 : The Hank Janson novels
Appendix 2 : Novels by Stephen Frances
Appendix 3 : Destruction orders issued against Hank Janson titles
Appendix 4 : Schedule of  successful prosecutions
Select bibliography


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