18 janvier 2017

Vultures of the void : The legacy

Philip Harbottle

Vultures of the void :
The legacy

Cosmos Books
412 pages, 2011
ISBN : 978-1-60701-149-1

In troduction : Mushroom legacies
Foreword : a personal view
     by E.C. Tubb
Preface : How it all started
     1. The story begins
     2. Science fiction pioneers
     3. The new breed
     4. Brave new (trembling) worlds
     5. The crazy world
     6. Invasion from space
     7. The deluge begins
     8. Authentic Science Fiction
     9. Prisoner in the cellar
     10. Blast-off for space opera
     11. Child of the fifties
     12. American invasion
     13. British hardcover SF
     14. Burn-out for space opera
     15. The end of an era
     16. "A rose by any other name"
     17. Vision of tomorrow : death of a dream
     18. More travails
     19. Vargo Statten returns
     20. Vultures of the void
     21. Legacies
About the author

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