18 janvier 2017

Vultures of the void

Philip Harbottle & Stephen Holland

Vultures of the void

A history of british science fiction
publishing, 1946-1956

I.O. Evans studies in the philosophy and
criticism of literature, n° 13
R. Reginald / The Borgo Press
San Bernardino, California, U.S.A.
128 pages, 1992
ISBN : 0-89370-415-6
ISSN : 0271-9061
(paperback edition)

Introduction : Forgotten fantasies

1. The story begins
2. The new breed
3. Brave new (trembling) worlds
4. The crazy world
5. Invasion from space
6. The deluge begins
7. Authentic Science Fiction
8. Prisoner in the cellar
9. Blast-off for space opera
10. Child of the fifties
11. Burn out for space opera
12. The end of an era
13. "A rose by any other name..."

About the authors

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